
Planning and Design for Sustainable Development in a Loccal Context is a design studio within the MPDSD programme at the school of architecture at Chalmers University.

The theme of the studio is planning and design for sustainable development in a small or medium sized municipality in Sweden. The studio includes on-site activities in close cooperation with local authorities and communities.

The overall aim of the design studio is:
… to increase knowledge and understanding of the planning and development problems as well as possibilities of small and medium sized municipalities / communities / towns in the perspective of sustainable development.
… to train the ability to describe, analyse and interpret the local situation in a broad perspective, including spatial and architectural characteristics as well as environmental, social and economic aspects.
… to, with a point of departure in an understanding of the conditions of place in a local as well as in a broader context, work out and try visionary principles of planning and design of spatial structures and the built environment, in support of a positive and sustainable development.

The design studio is dividided into three main parts:
Part A focuses on understanding and analysing a local situation, also in a larger geographical and functional context, identifying local development objectives and work on comprehensive planning and design strategies in support of a sustainable development.
Part B contains work on planning and design projects that can support the objectives and strategies developed in part A. These projects may be carried out at different spatial levels and are developed individually or in smaller groups.
Part C is about communicating the outcomes of the studio and contains work on an exhibition and presentation on site for local stakeholders and inhabitants (last 1 – 2 weeks).